Convicted Child Abuser Nelson Garcia is a lying bastard


Last Wednesday 18 February my Twitter account @TerrorizerMir got suspended. That night I received the email above from Nelson Garcia @NGBlog which I was unable to reply to as I have a busy life, and that. Then I noticed the following tweet, where poor ol’ Nelson appears to have taken my lack of response as a snub; hint, I choose my allies carefully.


Next thing this convicted child sexual abuser sticks up a blog here accusing me of:

“This past weekend, while the gay blogs hate tweeted The Oscars and played their silly games with The Bigot Of The Day, ngblog, me, found out that a certain “gender critical trans woman” who lives in the United Kingdom may have caused a woman, a lesbian, to commit suicide.

At post time, I’ve not been able to verify the story.  There’s a news article from a British tabloid  from 2013 that describes a volatile relationship between two women with one person committing suicide so as to avoid arrest and being charged with domestic abuse. Someone named in the piece who may or not be the person I think it is.

Someone else did sort of confirm it, but, my source for said confirmation is an online nutcase hiding behind a cartoon avatar.”

The tragic story Garcia is attempting to make capital of against me is here, detailing the sad end of a volatile relationship involving a woman with whom I share my name and the suicide of her partner.

In August 2003 Garcia was convicted of “Promoting A Sexual Performance By A Child Less Than 16 Years of Age”.

Choose your allies carefully.

Update 2 July 2021: according to New York Post Garcia

carried on a series of chat-room conversations with an undercover New Hampshire cop who pretended to be a 14-year-old boy.

During the chats, Garcia allegedly sent the detective photos of prepubescent boys engaged in sexual acts.


Six years on the lying little creep is still pissed at me ???


The full text of Garcia’s post follows:

Monday, February 23, 2015when the trannys come back to capistrano…I have no idea what the above title means.  I made it up.  On the other hand, when it comes to transgenderism, this is a social movement that is very much like religion: a bunch of men in gowns sitting around making up new rules.Here’s a rectum derived edict they demand we accept, or else:Penis is female and vagina is male.I can’t be the only person who finds the above statement absurd on its face.  Actually, I’m not the only person.  There are others; however, because this activism thingy is about winning, and there can only be one, those lesbian and gay bloggers over there on WordPress, can’t or won’t acknowledge my concerns, much less even try to provide some educational insight because….well, transgender activists say so.It also doesn’t help anyone having certain gay and lesbian activist so obsessed with the prospect of winning, The Cathy Brennans and the like so carried with the prospect of winning the argument, they don’t care about the truth.This past weekend, while the gay blogs hate tweeted The Oscars and played their silly games with The Bigot Of The Day, ngblog, me, found out that a certain “gender critical trans woman” who lives in the United Kingdom may have caused a woman, a lesbian, to commit suicide.At post time, I’ve not been able to verify the story.  There’s a news article from a British tabloid  from 2013 that describes a volatile relationship between two women with one person committing suicide so as to avoid arrest and being charged with domestic abuse. Someone named in the piece who may or not be the person I think it is.Someone else did sort of confirm it, but, my source for said confirmation is an online nutcase hiding behind a cartoon avatar.I suppose I could, because I have them archived, post screengrabs of that all too brief, yet telling conversation where said individual imagined themselves immune to criticism and the like, but there’s no point in that.No, The people who could provide some clarity are more concerned with protecting this “trans woman”s” right to free speech. than they are about the abuse she may have inflicted on that poor woman who committed suicide, or that she lied about sourcing a talking point which originated from an anti-gay activist and then denied it. And that is the third reported suspension in under a week?There might be a reason for it: [s]HE was being abusive and homophobic.Not that I’m concerned or anything; If anything, that all too brief conversation I had with this gender critic was borderline comical; it reminded me of And Justice For All and the following scene where he meets with a transgender individual who had been arrested for a petty crime:Arthur Kirkland: When asked what you were doing you said, ‘I don’t know nothing about that taxi cab robbery’.Ralph Agee: Now that’s true, because I don’t.Arthur Kirkland: How did you know there was one, Ralph?Ralph Agee: Mr. Kirkland there’s ALWAYS one.In fact, this whole entire saga reminds me of the movie: It’s out of order!This entire movement of ours has become one heaping pile of silliness.But wait,it gets better!According to Carlos Maza of Equality Matters, Ronan Farrow Daily Was The Gold Standard For Covering Transgender Issues.Try not to laugh:With the cancellation of Ronan Farrow Daily, MSNBC is losing a show that for months represented the gold standard in cable news coverage of transgender issues. On February 19, MSNBC announced that it was cancelling Ronan Farrow Daily, which has occupied the network’s 1 pm slot since premiering in February 2014.  The show, along with The Reid Report, will be replacedby a two-hour block of news programming hosted by Thomas Roberts, while host Ronan Farrow will go on to launch “a new series of primetime specials.” For nearly a year, Ronan Farrow Daily stood out for its remarkable coverage of transgender stories and issues. Farrow worked to bring national attention to the fight for transgender equality, which he called a “nascent enough rights movement that you can see change on almost a daily basis.” And he did it by inviting actual transgender people to discuss issues facing their community — a practice that even many progressive news commentators have been hesitant to adopt. standard? More like fools gold.Of course what Carlos doesn’t mention because he’s drunk too much of the tranny kool-aid is that Ronan Farrow had, by far, one of the worst news shows ever, and the only the reason it’s not The.Worst.News Show.Ever. is because of The Savage Nation.What was wrong with Ronan? Everything. His voice. His delivery.  He couldn’t read a teleprompter and he’s supposed to be a Rhodes scholar.  Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it seems that Farrow skipped reading class.That he’s an open closet case. That he can be dedicated to trans issues, but yet consider being gay a shame or embarrassment?To be fair, because Farrow is not the only infotainer to lose his show to bad ratings, MSNBC will do everyone justice and get rid of Melissa Harris Perry, too.-In anticipation, maybe, of being attacked or criticized, I’m not the first person who finds the concept of “gender critical trans woman” an oxymoron; Quoting:The title would seem to be an oxymoron, yet there are transgender women who accept the TERF (trans exclusionary radical feminist) dogma that gender is oppressive, and that everyone’s sex is determined solely by their chromosomes and anatomy. In essence, they have given up the fact that they are women, because, by the TERF definition, they are male. In essence, they have concluded that they will never be accepted as women and try to curry favor with their most virulent oppressors denying they are women and eschewing the right to be in women only spaces. Whether one calls it internalized transmisogyny, self-eradication of one’s identity, or simply, self-hatred, it is one step away from detransition and two steps away ending their existence. I don’t hate them. I feel intense sorrow that they have been driven to such a point. Despite their protestations to to the contrary and espousal of volumes of pseudo-logic, I perceive their pain. I do, however have a lot of concern (and anger) about the damage they are attempting to do to other trans women. They have become willing pawns in a conflict they can never win, but which causes harm to others.Hopefully, in time, they will come to understand they have been duped by an insidious campaign based on bigotry and hatred. Hopefully, it will not take too much time.source: Robin Lynn Frank, transsupport.orgThere you have it. Even trans women consider gender critical trans women activists as pariahs.  But yet gay and lesbian activists want to give them the benefit of the doubt, and I’m the one who should be ignored.Uh-huh.Update: a little birdie informs me the tranny twitter troll who think he has weight  has had their account restored.  No harm no foul.  Free speech can be a bitch sometimes.

2 Replies to “Convicted Child Abuser Nelson Garcia is a lying bastard”

  1. My, doesn’t he format well?

    Still, I got the gist of that, for what it’s worth. Rather sorry I even bothered to respond to him now. Thank you for shedding some light on this murky character.

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