This was my contribution to the Genspect ‘The Bigger Picture’ 2023 conference on Saturday 29…
Category: transkids
The ‘drag queen story time’ in schools is about the promotion of a sexist, homophobic and racist ideology that pathologises behaviour that doesn’t conform to socially conservative stereotypes.
With thanks to Bob Withers for the original work dated 23 October 2018. I have…
So our dear friend Pippa Bunce is in the news again because he has, unbelievably…
Although the video above is not directly related to this piece, within it I discuss…
How gay liberation became neoliberalism and Peter Tatchell sucks corporate cock.
It is indecent when you diminish rhetorical and physical violence against women, and cannot address the systematic bullying of lesbians by straight and transgender men.
I am transsexual, but I acknowledge the need to recognise the material reality of biological sex.
Similar ground is covered in this interview with Dr Oren Amitay and Dr James Cantor….
We are having our language, sexual autonomy and freedom of thought, speech taken away from us. This is an all-out political war.